
50 Essential Questions to Ask in Your Employee Surveys

The way your employees feel is the way your customers will feel.

Sybil F. Stershic

Understanding your employees' true sentiments and needs goes beyond just maintaining productivity—it’s about fostering a supportive and inclusive environment that boosts morale, enhances engagement, and drives overall success. Employee surveys are a powerful tool in this process, providing critical insights that can lead to significant improvements and strategic growth within your organisation. Let’s delve into how to craft these surveys effectively and why they are so crucial in today’s dynamic work environments.

The Importance of Employee Surveys

Employee surveys are essential for uncovering the true opinions and feelings of staff at all levels. They not only measure morale and satisfaction but also provide a platform for anonymous feedback, which might otherwise remain unexpressed. Systematically analysing this feedback allows management to make informed decisions that enhance both positivity and productivity in the workplace. Furthermore, regular surveys show employees that their opinions are valued, helping to foster a culture of trust and inclusivity.

Designing Effective Survey Questions

The art of creating effective survey questions involves a mix of clarity and depth. Questions should be straightforward but crafted to encourage informative and actionable responses. Utilising a scale from 1 to 5, where 1 means "Strongly Disagree" and 5 means "Strongly Agree", enables organisations to quantitatively assess attitudes and feelings, providing a solid framework for systematic analysis and comparison over time.

Comprehensive Survey Templates for Every Need

1. End-of-Year Reflections

  • Purpose: Capture reflective feedback on the past year to inform future planning.
  • When to Use: Annually, as the fiscal or calendar year closes.
  • Sample Questions:
    • I believe my achievements this year were recognised appropriately.
    • I received the support needed to successfully overcome challenges.
    • I feel equipped with the necessary tools and resources to succeed in my role.
    • The professional growth opportunities provided align with my career goals.
    • The objectives set by my team are clear and achievable.
    • Feedback from management has helped me improve my performance.

2. Training Feedback Loop

  • Purpose: Evaluate the relevance and impact of training initiatives.
  • When to Use: Following any training event.
  • Sample Questions:
    • The training content was relevant to my job functions.
    • I am confident in applying the skills learned during training.
    • The trainers delivered the content effectively.
    • Additional resources are available to help me implement what I learned.
    • The training has positively affected my work efficiency.
    • I feel supported by my team in applying new skills.

3. Strategy Input Gathering

  • Purpose: Solicit input to shape meaningful and inclusive strategic decisions.
  • When to Use: Before strategic planning sessions.
  • Sample Questions:
    • My input feels valued in shaping company strategy.
    • I understand the company’s strategic goals and how my work contributes.
    • The resources allocated to my department support our strategic objectives.
    • I am kept well-informed about strategic decisions that affect my work.
    • My suggestions for strategic improvements are considered.
    • I feel involved in the strategy development process.

4. Overall Employee Satisfaction

  • Purpose: Regularly assess overall job satisfaction and organisational climate.
  • When to Use: Biannually, to maintain a pulse on company-wide morale.
  • Sample Questions:
    • My contributions to the team are valued and recognised.
    • I am satisfied with the leadership and direction the company is heading.
    • Opportunities for personal and professional development meet my expectations.
    • Communication within the company is clear and effective.
    • My opinions are considered in decisions that affect my work.
    • The company culture supports my overall well-being.

5. Quarterly Check-Ins

  • Purpose: Monitor ongoing performance and address any emerging challenges.
  • When to Use: Each quarter, to stay aligned with short-term goals and objectives.
  • Sample Questions:
    • I understand the company’s current objectives and my role in achieving them.
    • I feel satisfied with the recognition I receive for my contributions.
    • I receive the support necessary to overcome challenges in my work.
    • The team atmosphere contributes positively to my job performance.
    • I receive regular, constructive feedback that helps me grow.
    • Resources available to me are adequate for fulfilling my job responsibilities.

6. Remote Work Insights

  • Purpose: Understand and enhance the remote working experience.
  • When to Use: Regularly for remote teams.
  • Sample Questions:
    • Remote work has positively affected my job satisfaction.
    • I manage remote work challenges effectively.
    • I feel connected to my team, even remotely.
    • The technology provided supports my remote work needs.
    • I have a suitable work environment at home.
    • My work-life balance has improved with remote work.

7. Wellness at Work

  • Purpose: Promote and assess workplace wellness.
  • When to Use: Annually or following significant wellness initiatives.
  • Sample Questions:
    • I have a good work-life balance.
    • I feel supported in managing work-related stress.
    • I am healthy and happy in my work environment.
    • The company offers adequate wellness resources.
    • I participate in wellness programmes offered by the company.
    • Work-related stress is manageable for me.

8. Diversity and Inclusion

  • Purpose: Ensure an inclusive and diverse working environment.
  • When to Use: Annually or after related initiatives.
  • Sample Questions:
    • This workplace is welcoming to everyone.
    • I have never witnessed or experienced workplace discrimination.
    • Our company actively supports diversity and inclusion.
    • Diversity training is effective and well-implemented.
    • The team reflects a wide range of backgrounds and perspectives.
    • I feel comfortable discussing issues related to diversity and inclusion.

9. Innovation Feedback

  • Purpose: Encourage and measure innovative thinking.
  • When to Use: After launching new projects or annually.
  • Sample Questions:
    • I am encouraged to share new ideas.
    • There are few barriers to innovation in our teams.
    • Creative solutions are welcomed and often implemented.
    • Management is receptive to new ideas.
    • I feel part of a culture that values innovation.
    • Innovative thinking is recognised and rewarded.

10. Technology Implementation Feedback

  • Purpose: Evaluate the rollout and adoption of new technologies.
  • When to Use: After new tech rollouts.
  • Sample Questions:
    • I was well-prepared to use the new technology.
    • The new tools have boosted my productivity.
    • The transition to new systems was smooth and well-supported.
    • I understand the benefits of the new technology.
    • Training for new technology was effective and timely.
    • Support is readily available for technology-related issues.


Employee surveys do more than just measure satisfaction; they play a pivotal role in shaping a workplace that prioritises growth and feedback. The effectiveness of these surveys doesn't end with the collection of data; it is crucially defined by how you respond to and act upon the insights obtained.

After conducting surveys, it’s essential to communicate the outcomes to your team and to implement visible changes based on the feedback. This approach not only reinforces the trust your employees place in the process but also confirms that their contributions genuinely influence organisational changes. By fully embracing both the responses and the responsibilities they suggest, your organisation can foster a more engaged and motivated workforce, well-equipped to meet future challenges together.

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